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The Green Lady

The Green Lady (died 1157)
The Green Lady was originally a human. She was assistant guild master of the Guild of Wizardry in Nyr'Danr. In 878, she attempted a hostile take-over bid, which failed. She was banished by Duke Mergash. In 893, she transformed into a green dragon. She wanted to become a goddess, and her taking over of Turse in 927-947 was part of this plan. The Green Lady hired Aragorn to trap Lodos, paying him 1000 Tursen slaves.
In 1142, the Green Lady instigated the Barbarian wars, between Kursavale and the barbarians. In return for her help in stopping the war, the Green Lady forced King Aleksandyr XVI to accept the advice of her Inquisitors. She then moved into Kursavale in 1156. However,when her forces had destroyed Kursavale and Ukrall, but were still weak, Aragorn then conquered the Green Lady, personally destroying her bodyguard. This was The Order of the Dragon - 20 to 30 green dragons, which it is rumoured were 'created'.
Gettarisk the Green (presumed dead)
Known as 'The Traitor' Getterisk the Green was a green dragon. He lured Lodos to the place where Aragorn and the Green Lady were waiting to imprison him. He is now believed to be dead.
Sir Borley of Merenbrook(died 1157)
Borley was a baron under the Green Lady. He had a dragon, DarkClaw, and a twin brother, Sir Kayguard, whose death nearly started a war. It is assumed Borley died when Aragorn took over.
Lady Gern(died 1160)
Lady Gern ruled under the Green Lady. Her second in command, Sherriff Tavian, was King Getyphin, leader of the resistance. Lady Gern was cursed by the Green lady to turn into a green dragon at night, and have no control over her behaviour. After Aragorn took over, Lady Gern moved out into the marshes. She was killed by unknown assassins (hired by King Getyphin, though this is not public knowledge) in 1160, who had white flights in their arrows.
Sir Ketterin
See Sir Ketterin
Sir Loark
See Sir Loark

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Lucknar / Kursavalians / Tursens / Dwarves & Barbarians / Elves &Hobbits / Ukrallish / Priests / Mages / Aragorn / The Green Lady

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