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Homepage Into Hurssia... The Players The Campaigns
History / Rulers of Hurssia, 1154 - 1166 / Gods and Religion / Nations and Languages / The Calender / The Guilds / Money and Taxation / Crime and Punishment / People / Places


Hurssia is a beatiful continent, bounded on the east South and West by Sea. To the north lie the Grusk Mountains, and no-one knows what lies beyond them. Just south of the Gruskan mountains is the White Forest, a place of cold and ice. South of the White forest, at the Heart of Hurssia, lies Kursaval, a fair and green country with gentle hills. To the North East lies Turse, and directly south of Kursaval is the Shire. South of the continent of Hurssia lies the country of Ukrall. Also bordering Kursaval, to the West, is the Larrowmor Forest, age-old home to the elves.

The Ardinian Empire is only approached via Blakmar, a small island to the South West of the Ukrall. Hervaxiath lies North East of Terse, across the ocean.

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History / Rulers of Hurssia, 1154 - 1166 / Gods and Religion / Nations and Languages / The Calender / The Guilds / Money and Taxation / Crime and Punishment / People / Places
Homepage Into Hurssia... The Players The Campaigns