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Ancient History / History of Hurssia 500 - 1153 / History of Hurssia, 1154 - 1160 / History of Hurssia, 1161-1166

History of Hurssia 500 - 1153

In 502, Aragorn the White was born. Although unmomentous at the time, Aragorn's actions would effect the history of Hurssia for the next 600 years. At the end of the seventh century, Aragorn the White deposed King Hervan of Hervaxiath, claiming it for his own. Hervaxiath is a small island north of Hurssia. The gates of Morgaurd, which protected Hervaxiath against marauding white dragons, were destroyed by Aragorn in 723, in order to keep the country loyal to himself.

In 878, the second largest threat to Hurssia's stability, the Green Lady, attempted a hostile bid to take over the Wizards Guild.. She was banished by Duke Mergash, and transformed into a dragon in 893.

927 - 947 were the Tursen wars, where the Green Lady took over Turse, killing all the barons except for Getyphin and Sherin I.

In 952, The Green Lady hired Aragorn to imprison Lodos. She paid Aragorn with 1000 Tursen slaves.

In 1142, The Green Lady instigated the Barbarian Wars. A year later, she made a pact with the Kursavalien king, King Aleksandr XVI to help in the war. In return, the king was forced to take on priestly advice from her Inquisitors.

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Ancient History / History of Hurssia 500 - 1153 / History of Hurssia, 1154 - 1166

History / Rulers of Hurssia, 1154 - 1166 / Gods and Religion / Nations and Languages / The Calender / The Guilds / Money and Taxation / Crime and Punishment / People / Places
Ancient History / History of Hurssia 500 - 1153 / History of Hurssia, 1154 - 1160 / History of Hurssia, 1161-1166