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Hurssian Rulers, 1154 - 1166

NationRaceYear Ruler (Race)
Kursaval Human 1139 - 1157 King Aleksandr XVI
1157 The Green Lady (Green Dragon)
1157 - 1160 Aragorn the White
1161 - 1166 Queen Tulia I
Turse Human 0947 - 1157 The Green Lady (Green Dragon)
1157 - 1160 Aragorn the White
East Turse Human 1161 - 1166 King Ketterin
West Turse Human 1161 - 1166 King Getyphin
Ukrall Human 1129 - 1156 King Ralsvik
1156 - 1158 The Green Lady (Green Dragon)
1158 - 1160 Aragorn the White
1161 - 1166 King Ervlich
The Shire Hobbit 1152 - 1156 The Sheriffs(Hobbits)
1156 - 1157 The Green Lady (Green Dragon)
1157 - 1160 Aragorn the White
1161 - 1166 The Sheriffs (Hobbits)
The ShirewoodElf 1133 - 1156 Earl Rallian (Elf)
None 1156 - 1160 No Ruler
1161 - 1166 Earl Skarrin (Half-Elf)
Larrowmoor ForestElf1032 - 1166 King Ortar (Elf)
Clans of StonebeardDwarf1100 - 1166King Galar (Dwarf)
1166 - Regent Vindalf (Dwarf)
Clans of KallerganDwarf1100 - 1166King Thekk (Dwarf)
Blood-Claw ClansGoblinoid1151 - 1163King Grutagg (Flind)
White-Frosts Clan 1163 - 1164 King Larinthug (Goblin)
Storm-Slayers Clan1164 - 1166 King Nardik (Half-Orc)
White-Frosts Clan 1166 - King Larinthug (Goblin)
The White ForestBarbarians No formal rulership

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History / Rulers of Hurssia, 1154 - 1166 / Gods and Religion / Nations and Languages / The Calender / The Guilds / Money and Taxation / Crime and Punishment / People / Places
Homepage Into Hurssia... The Players The Campaigns