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Cryssania's Quest, July 2000

July 2000

Chryssiana's Quest
It started with a dream, as all the best quests do.....(transcript will be provided at some point). After the dream, Chryssiana called together all her best companions and a few others who would do anythng for money and set off to solve it.

We decided the three snakes represented three brothers, who'd try to break into the town hall in a village near Hazlebeck. They had used one of Aragorn's ships to travel there and escape. Scrying, we discovered the ship was in the Ardinian empire, where we teleported to. We discovered one of the brothers was imprisoned, and the other two were on the ship. the party deduced that the man in the cage was a magical beast called Jen, which had been captured by magic and imprisoned into the ship itself. This beast belonged naturely in the magical realm of Tarak - hence Chryssiana's involvement.

We cunningly boarded the ship (how does that go again, oh yes, Plan B, CHARGE) and fought the two remaining brothers, killing one. Skarra lowered to the temperature to freezing, which successfully froze the water elemental, but did for the bounty hunter too. After sustaining injuries, the other brother got away, and we searched the ship for the spell books with the spells that would free the beast. We didn't find them.

Back at town we actually asked the Calif if the imprisoned man had any belongings - surprisingly enough, he owned three spells - the how to capture, bind and free the beast. Doh!

We returned to Hurssia, to ask the help of Lucknar the Emporer, Duke Randall and Sillanus. Sillanus gave us the teleport spell to trade with the Calif for his help, and Lucknar and Randall returned to Ardinia with us. Lucknar, the Calif, and Randall released the beast, and banished it. Lucky they were there - we'd have died.

Chryssiana was rewarded by Tarak, and turned back into a human (and female!). She's now been awarded High Priesthood. The rest of us got paid - a job well done, we think.

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Enter the Dragon / The Hunt for Aragorn / The Summons / Chryssiana's Quest
Forebodings and Revelations / The Shadow of Aragorn / The Wizard's Campaign
Homepage Into Hurssia... The Players Campaigns