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Ancient History / History of Hurssia 500 - 1153 / History of Hurssia, 1154 - 1160 / History of Hurssia, 1161-1166

Ancient History

Back in the mists of time, Hurssia was ruled over by the dragons. The land was split into two areas, the mountains and the forests, and within the forests, the moors.

In the mountain ranges lived the dwarves, and their everlasting enemys, the goblinoids - the goblins,flins, ogres, kobolds, orcs, knolls and hobgoblins. The mountains were also home to many of the dragons. In the forests lived the elves, at one with their elven trees, and other fairie folk, as well as the hobbits. The gnomes lived in the forests, and on the moors.

Lucknar was the Emporer of the dragons, and he became imprisoned in a gem, called 'The Memory of the Mountains' which found its way eventually to the realms of Ravenloft, thousands of years later.

The peacefulness of Hurssia was broken when humans entered the land from overseas. With their coming, the elven forests were divided and diminished in size. Humans took the land for farming, though leaving the Grusk mountains alone in the main part.

In the third century, Lodos, god of the dragons, became a demigod. We do not know how this occurred, or if the humans caused it in any way.

Around the fifth century after the humans arrival, Hurssia had stabilised again. The elven forests had been reduced to two main areas - the Larromor Forest, ruled by King Ortar's family, and the Shirewood. A split occurred between the elves, and the Earl ruling the Shirewood aligned himself to Kursaval, a human nation.

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Ancient History / History of Hurssia 500 - 1153 / History of Hurssia, 1154 - 1160 / History of Hurssia, 1161-1166

History / Rulers of Hurssia, 1154 - 1166 / Gods and Religion / Nations and Languages / The Calender / The Guilds / Money and Taxation / Crime and Punishment / People / Places
Homepage Into Hurssia... The Players The Campaigns